11 hrs agoLiked by Neela 🌶️

Art is never finished said Da Vinci (though he still pocketed the advance payment)

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Advance payments pay for coffee or whisky David.

Hope you are having a good week ☺️

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According to Leonardo only the very creative need to never finish something - though maybe if coffee had been available in his time he would have completed more?

My week started with my camera dying moments before a live stream - boooo... never mind I can still paint so that's good 🤗☕☕💯

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I have a note to check your YouTube channels tonight 😂😂

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Love this post, Neela! The reality is business is never perfect, but if we map out the perfect strategy that's too rigid and that never accounts for change or the unpredictability of business, we will always be behind. Embrace the chaos! Thank you sis, happy Tuesday!

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All the conventional advice they gave us was complete bullshit 😂

Hope you are having a good Tuesday bro.

Thank you for showing up here and for restacking 🙌

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Too perfect... What a blow! He was right though, and this links perfectly into VUCA and thriving in the question mark as you put it. I hugely admire, by the way, that you've never openly pitched your business, you seem to be thriving simply because people look for you organically or it's all behind the scenes (I like sneaky sales) and every single blog you write attests to this ability!

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A secret. I did a survey of my clients over the past 8 years. Only 10% are online and that's because those are interior designers 😂

I've been grateful to be able to build my business offline via referrals. I do only have 2 clients at the moment and they buy most of my time. The pivot is to do something more with medium, Substack and LinkedIn but I have no interest in coaching. 😂

I need to exit corporate though because I don't like the direction tech is going and honestly there is no hope for corporate culture Nadine. This was a longer comment than you bargained for 🤣

Thank you for showing up here Nadine 🙏

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This is so fabulous, Neela! It dovetails really nicely with reinvention tools I've recently been learning through the work of Nadya Zhexembayeva (I'll share more with you about that). I loved how you brought together VUCA and thriving in the question mark. Uncertainty can be our friend, too, when it allows our brain more flexibility across domains. Thanks for a good Tuesday morning read!

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Hey Hans

I saw your DMs but did not respond. I've not been on LinkedIn much today. It similar to closure. I don't know if closure is real. I need to write about this some time with regards to grief and loss. Thank you for always showing up here 🤗

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You are a gift with your writing and insight. Don't worry about responding to me every time I comment. You're good, and you have a lot going on. Breathe and know you matter - and rest in that. Good night.

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Brilliant Neela! 👏 Finding the sweet spot between rigidity and chaos is a huge challenge for all of us.

Your reference to ADHD reminds me of a great book by Thom Hartmann titled "ADHD: Hunters in a farmer's world" where he argues that hunter-gatherers survived by moving a lot ("hyperactivity") and shifting focus/scanning a lot ("distractability"). Only with a farming-in-place paradigm and education sitting in classrooms did we pathologize those traits.

My Medium membership ends tomorrow, so I'm glad I'll still get to "see" you here on Substack! ✌️

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Oh I saw you left a comment there. Thank you. I will be repurposing the content over there so you theoretically won't be missing much 😂

A lot of my colleagues (engineers) have ADHD and I don't know enough about it to be able to support them so I will check out the book. Thank you so much for showing up here Baird 🙌

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I sometimes feel like I am collecting the missing pieces of the puzzle on my way and one day I’ll leave without seeing the whole picture. 👀

VUCA VUCA is now playing in my head 🎶😂

Enjoy your week Neela 🤗

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I think yucca 😂

Yucca chips 🤣

I need to talk about VUCA some more.

Imagine if we each had our own jigsaw puzzle of 10,000 pieces 🧩

Hope you are having a good week Salima. Thank you for showing here and for restacking 🙏

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*Curiosity guy entered the chat.* 😉

"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security." -John Allen Paulos

I think certainty and predictability are characteristics that give many people a sense of comfort (understandably) but once we take off the training wheels and learn that it's possible to ride a bicycle on two wheels, the possibilities of the open horizon beckons! #VUCAlife

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As always, a wonderfully thought out, humorous article! I think most people will say some of their best experiences came from uncertainty - being laid off and pursuing a new path; embracing the role of a new, clueless parent; or accepting a position with "fluid" responsibilities. I was reading an article about fixed vs growth mindset earlier today, and I think it fits in with this scenario, too. If we leave room for the messy (and accept that it will get messy), we are embracing that growth mindset!

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I’m gonna see is I can embrace this better! Thanks for the reminder.

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